Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Ebeneezer's Gift

It is sometime suggested that the very rich should pay their slice of the tax burden. That, in a society where people are able to make stupidly large piles of cash, the contribution of those who benefit most should be, equally, the biggest contribution.  This reasonable suggestion is often pursued by the squealing, petulant cries that this is The Politics of Envy. Cries which can be heard all the way from The Carlton Club to The Commons.

Gideon’s been at it again this morning, uttering the bizarre statement that those who see their benefit-scrounging neighbours asleep, as they themselves rise at the crack of sparrows and trudge off to a day's hard work, should be treated fairly. What he means by this is that the sleeping neighbour should be treated more harshly, and that this deceitful act of sophistry will somehow make the world a sunnier, shinier place.  

This is bizarre on many levels, not least because anyone who sees their neighbours sleeping as they are work-bound is either a peeping tom, shagging someone from next door, or has a neighbour passed-out on their front lawn. Only one of those scenarios elicits even a slither of sympathy, and given that the streets and avenues of England aren’t strewn with snoring, vagrant slumberers, I can only assume that Gideon has the first two situations in mind.  I’d hate to live near him.

The real issue, though, isn’t that Mad George thinks that people are shinnying up drainpipes to gaze in anger at the terminally, and temporarily, unemployed – snugly wrapped in their beds of workshy irresponsibility.  The real issue is that that the rich out-of-touch spoilt, sheltered, sniveling, social and economic human failure masquerading a sentient being has decided to address the concerns of these sinister, but employed, voyeurs, by pinning future benefit increases to 1%, well below inflation.

This is the real politics of envy.  Because it makes not a jot of difference to anyone if the out-of-work residents in my ‘hood are getting a rise of three pounds weekly, or one pound a week.  We won’t see any of that money. The taxes we pay won’t decrease. Nurses won’t find the money saved in their paychecks, nor teachers, nor the five-oh. The only effect is that those who are already living at the shittest end of the stick of life will be getting prodded with an even bigger, shittier stick. And those prodding the stick will be getting bigger, pointier, goldier* sticks.

I’ve lived on the dole. In fact, I was brought up on it. It’s wretched. There’s just enough money to survive. The reason people on the dole stay in bed late is because it costs nothing to be asleep, and nothing is pretty much what you can afford.  Besides, TV is utter dross before midday, at which point it becomes just about tolerable. There’s really no point in getting up early if you’re skint and unemployed. Let’s face it, only the criminally insane, and criminally annoying, are keen to be up and about at dawn on a day of no work.

Back to the whingers. There will also be those who peddle the same miserable lies that everyone signing on has Sky, and a mobile phone, and other such luxuries like shoes and a change of socks.  I’d hazard a guess that anyone with Sky, in receipt of benefit, isn't paying for that out of their benefit.  In fact, I’d hazard an equal guess that there are many illegal Sky sets kicking around the black market.  And to anyone who wants to complain that people are getting Sky for free while they have to pay a small fortune for it, can I suggest you’re looking in the wrong direction.  Rupert didn't look hungry last time I saw him. He did, unfortunately, still look alive. Not short of a few spare pennies, but still, sadly, not dead.**

 It is a depressing aspect of our society.  There will always be people who don’t work. Some will choose not to, some will have it thrust upon them.  Some will be born stinking rich and not have to, but will instead find themselves the focus of seven pages of The Mirror because they got knocked up and felt a bit queasy.
 Just because there are a handful of people who will take the piss, doesn't mean we collectively punish to assuage our Daily Mail-fuelled belief that the poor of Britain are actually sitting on bags of cash, drinking Cristal while watching Bargain Hunt on their Plasma Teevs. It’s bollocks. The poor of Britain are generally having a miserable old time, and it’s getting shitter every day. A reverse Beatles, if you will. ***

So, Gideon, stop picking on those too weak and weary to fight back. Stop using a crane to crush a fly. Remember that you’re where you are because your daddy racked up the dollars selling interior décor. If only he’d had a grasp of social responsibility and made the contribution to society he could have.

And had a vasectomy on reaching puberty.

 *Neologism. Pedant.

*Dear Santa, with Christmas approaching, and your skillset in breaking and entering, and leaving without a trace, I have a very particular request…

*This one